Monday, February 16, 2009


I had the best Valentines Day ever! Hung out with some great peeps and talked business with a couple looking to move to L.A. and start a gay bar. It's a small world when it comes to business. These guys knew a mutual friend from High School and are in the works of getting some real estate through his connections. I wish the best for them. Who knows maybe I'll help them start up out there. Speaking of California, It seems more certain than not that I will be moving out there. Last month I was introduced to an opportunity of a lifetime in buying up some real estate in my hometown. The price was right, the location was better than perfect, and I was ready to buy. After much deliberation and a great talk with Aunt Flor I came to my senses and decided that California was indeed it. My mind is set and my eyes are fixed on the destination. I've been fortunate to pay down so much of my student debt that I'm hopefully looking at moving out there in about a year or so. "Paying off debt is better than sex"

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