Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Power of a Dollar

Today I experienced this phenomenon called inflation and it was scary. Bajios is a restaurant that offered students discounts on meals. Five dollars and fifty cents bought me an entire meal and a drink; it was more than enough to fill my 140lb. body with enough fats to last me a lifetime. Unfortunately thirty minutes before I showed up they discontinued the special. My meal costs me six dollars and fifty cents. I began to wonder about the people all across America who might be encountering the same phenomenon the markets call "inflation." For the first time I experienced it directly. I realized how psychologically dependent I am on my habits. Despite the hefty price on my meal I couldn't resist and still purchased. I came to grips with reality and committed to change my habits of eating out all the time. You know the economy is doing poorly when inflation begins infecting our basic goods. Times are getting tight and suddenly I'm finding my dreams of being wealthy fading away...slowly. Perhaps this is not my purpose. That will be difficult to come to grips with. But, on I must...

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